New Feature: Popular Resonances

Popular Resonances is a new feature here at overseen by myself, JH Roberts. Popular Resonances explores manifestations of ancient Germanic myth and history in popular culture.

I call these instances "resonances" following Wai Chee Dimock's definition of literary resonances: "frequencies received and amplified across time, moving farther and farther from their points of origin, causing unexpected vibrations in unexpected places" (1061).

The "unexpected places" include books, comic books, movies, video games, music, television, and sometimes even professional wrestling – I hope to find as many manifestations of Germanic myth as possible. This feature will include monthly reports and occasional Throwback Thursday features.

Please send any resonances you come across to jhrobert [AT] uga [DOT] edu.

NOTE: I won't talk much about Marvel's Thor comic series, as a simple report of "there was another issue of Thor this month" would not be very interesting.

* Dimock, Wai Chee. "A Theory of Resonance." PMLA 112.5 (1997): 1060-071. Web.


Throwback Thursday: American Gods, a Novel by Neil Gaiman


Popular Resonances: May 2016