Getting Started with Norse Mythology

High quality resources on the topic of Norse mythology have never been more plentiful, approachable, and available than today. Unfortunately, readers looking for quality information can also expect to encounter more nonsense out there than ever before: The internet, for example, swarms with hucksters, ideologues, and misinformation, which can make separating fact from fiction tough. Whether you’re casually interested in the topic or you hope to embark on a life-long journey to become as familiar with the North Germanic record as well as possible, we’ve designed this guide so that you can ponder the great mysteries of the corpus with the rest of us.

As this guide outlines, we at recommend that readers start with retellings. From there, readers might consider approaching some of the better known and important items from the Old Norse corpus while consulting quality tertiary sources, such as handbooks, and thereafter approaching more advanced studies based on their interests. The needs and desires of readers will vary, and readers might consider swapping one step for another. Whatever the case, we recommend sticking to material published by university presses until readers feel entirely comfortable with discerning fact from fantasy.