New KSD entry: "Symbols Used by Nazi Germany, Neo-Nazis, and/or Far-Right Extremists"

While the project primarily focuses on approaching the historic record associated with ancient speakers of Germanic languages, we now and then also touch on modern topics, including contemporary symbols inspired by the ancient Germanic record.

We often receive questions from individuals who want to use symbols from the historic record for the purpose of art or religious practice but hope to avoid any kind of association with the Nazi Party, Neo-Nazism, and contemporary far-right extremist groups. In this entry, we discuss historic and recently invented symbols commonly (and in a few cases uncommonly) used by these groups.


New translation: "Lokrur" as rendered by Ann Sheffield, Denise Vast, and Lyonel Perabo


Eddic to English: Edward Pettit's 2023 translation of the Poetic Edda