International Saga Conference Archive Now Online

The goddess Sága chats with the god Odin in an illustration by Danish artist Lorenz Frølich (1895). Image from Wikimedia Commons.

From the start, the papers delivered at the conferences were published, either afterwards, as proceedings, or, increasingly, beforehand, as preprints, the idea being that one could read a printed version of a paper before hearing it presented. Although many of these conference papers subsequently appeared in revised versions in proper publications, the bulk are only available in this form and have become increasingly hard to get hold of. The purpose of the present website, maintained by the Arnamagnæan Institute at the University of Copenhagen and sanctioned by the Advisory Board of the International Saga Conference, is to collect materials from these conferences and make them available on the web for use by scholars and other interested parties.

The archive currently holds PDF versions of over 1300 papers and/or abstracts by some 600 scholars, scanned in most cases from the original proceedings/preprints. Where revised — or simply more legible — versions exist, these too can be made available if the authors so wish.

This is a massive amount of useful material available to many scholars for the first time that will certainly further all involved fields. Hats off from to the Arnamagnæan Institute and the Advisory Board of the International Saga Conference for making this publicly available!


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