Introducing Eddic to English is proud to present Eddic to English, a comparative study of English translations of the Poetic Edda. From newcomers choosing 'the right' translation to academics embarking on a translation of their own, everyone benefits from an accessible comparative study of the numerous English language translations of the Poetic Edda.

Eddic to English is currently in an early phase, featuring little more than primitive versions of five translation entries and an introduction. However, some of you will no doubt find it useful in its current state. We welcome your suggestions, corrections, and general feedback.

This project is currently a work in progress. Once in a stabilized, complete form, the author plans to convert it into an accessible PDF. In the mean time, will post updates as sections of Eddic to English are complete.

Eddic to English was inspired by a 2001 website, Old Norse for Beginners, authored by Haukur Þorgeirsson (University of Iceland), in which Haukur compared a variety of stanzas found in different translations of the Poetic Edda. Another particularly useful resource for this project is Carolyne Larrington’s (University of Oxford) Translating the Poetic Edda into English.


Growth Season


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